martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Halloween 2015

Lasta Friday, the 30th of October, our school celebrated Halloween Festival. Here are some photos we took.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Programa de inmersión lingüística de otoño

CEIP El Manantial ha sido seleccionado para participar en un Programa de Inmersión Lingüística organizado por el MEC. 24 alumnos de sexto curso de primaria viajaron a Romangordo (Cáceres) del 25 de octubre al 31 de octubre para participar en el mismo. Durante esa semana participaron en el programa organizado por la empresa Vera y llevaron a cabo, entre otras,  las actividades propuestas en nuestro proyecto. 

Our school has been selected to participate in a Linguistic Inmersion Programme organized by the MEC. 24 Year 6's students travelled to Romangordo (Cáceres) from 25th October to31st October to participate in the programme. During the week, they participated in Vera's programme and developed the activities designed in our project.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Today is Pancake Day!

Shrove Tuesday (known in some countries as Pancake Day) is a day in February or March, preceding Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent), which is celebrated in some countries by consuming pancakes.

You can also listen to a Pancake Song!

Class 2ºB celebrating a Pancake Day